It Disposal and Data Destruction

EurotekNS ’s equipment disposal service will support organisations in meeting compliance requirements and environmental responsibilities e.g. the WEEE directive.
Our flexible expert approach offers organisations the ability to responsibly recycle, and dispose of IT equipment and provide a fully traceable audit trail and. We assess our customers’ requirements on a case-by-case basis and thus provide an accurate and fair cost prior to a project being undertaken. In order to provide this assessment, we will request an asset inventory detailing approximate specification and quantities of equipment to be retired.
Your organisations responsibility under the WEEE directive
The introduction of the WEEE Directive in January 2007 introduced strict legislation governing the disposal of electronic and electrical equipment .The Directive also aims to improve the environmental performance of businesses that manufacture, supply, use, recycle and recover electrical and electronic equipment.
Please go to the following website for comprehensive information and latest news regarding the WEEE directive.,
In addition to your recycling responsibilities you must adhere to the Data Protection Act plus other compliance requirements (ISO27001, PCI DSS etc.…) and EurotekNS ensure that all data is wiped and certified.
Certified IT disposal and recycling process: the unique benefits of our service
Use of our own satellite tracked vehicles and security cleared drivers
Full UK coverage with no minimum collection quantities
Full Environmental Permit and Authorised Treatment Facility
ADISA accredited (Asset Disposal & Information Security Alliance)
Members of ICER (Industry Council for Electronic Equipment Recycling)
Safe Contractor accredited
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 accredited
Investors in People accredited
Security cleared staff
Open book pricing policies with guaranteed rebates
Data wiping and certification to the highest recognized standards
Comprehensive asset reporting
No hidden extras
The Recycling / Disposal Process
On the day of collection we provide both a Duty of Care Transfer Note and Hazardous Waste Consignment Note, which have to be signed by both the customer and EurotekNS representative.
A comprehensive asset report is produced for every collection. Every item of equipment with the exception of minor peripherals is logged into the asset report. Asset reports are forwarded in electronic format.
A typical asset report will include the following information as a minimum, although additional information can be added if required.
Make, model and specification of each item of equipment
Unique EurotekNS barcode asset number for each item of equipment
Equipment condition (Grade)
Customer asset number if applicable
Equipment serial number
Data erase certification for individual hard drives
Confirmation of resale or disposal
Additional comments
Collection summary
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